1. dramatique (on the mountain)
2. deadname (bury me alive)
3. the heavy unknown
4. this pulsing
5. intervention prevention
6. calibrations
7. candy-door optimism
8. wildgis
9. sweet tobaccos
10. lucid dreaming acid trip of farm road 511
11. barbelo and the one
12. flannery's lament
13. looking for a silver lining on a mushroom cloud
All tracks © Mysti Cinsect & John Crewdson 2025 except: Tracks 1,8 &9 © John Crewdson 2025, Track 5 © John Crewdson & Paul M. Burke 2025 and Track 12 © Mysti Cinsect 2025
Thanks to Kurt for the title and continued support.
Deadname (Bury Me Alive) Lyrics
They call me Deadname
It's not a headgame
There's oh so many stingers
Here in this hivemind
We're oh so certain
Don't mean no hurtin'
If you can dish it out
Then I'll respond in kind
People like to think they know you
When they only want to pigeon-hole you
Don't try to seep in through the cracks
They've papered over with their "facts"
In finger-quotes 'cause it's their only go-to.
They call me Deadname
Goes through my membrane
I'm straining at my tether
On my honour you ain't never gonna
Bury me alive
Bury me alive (no you're never gonna)
Bury me alive (no you're never gonna)
Bury me alive (no you're never gonna)
Bury me alive (no you're never gonna)
Who's got the shovel in his hands?
Who's got the shovel in his hands?
Who's got the shovel in his hands? (It's me.)
Who's got the shovel in his hands? (It's me.)
Who's got the shovel in his hands? (It's me.)
Who's got the shovel in his hands? (It's me.)
It's like you'd rather see me dead than happy.
You say you're sorry I'm sad, I believe.
But there are things on Earth that can and can't be,
The rest just inhabit the cracks there in between.
© Mysti Cinsect
The Heavy Unknown Lyrics
Don't speak too soon, this is the heavy unknown.
Don't matter if you fell or leapt or if you've been thrown.
Norwegian wouldn't it be nice but this bird has flown.
Now mind the gap, this is the heavy unknown.
Headlong into a future desperate to be shown.
So please don't top yourself unless you're an ice cream cone.
Now buckle up, this is the heavy unknown.
I am plugged in, I am receiving,
At least it's true, even if it is not believing.
I'll stay tuned in when I can manage;
I hope the signal still gets through with all the damage.
Don't know sometimes the real location
Of spaces where I used to find illumination.
Somewhere inside another station,
Here in the dark where is the spark of inspiration?
I am plugged in, I am receiving.
Is it believing? At least it's true.
Pack up your troubles for the heavy unknown.
Even Bob Zimmerman did not like a rolling stone.
Trouble and strife must spend its life on the dog and bone.
Drive to the levy for the heavy unknown.
Unleavened whiskey-bread is what they call alco-pone.
Open your heart and you will find that your mind is blown.
Run for the border to the heavy unknown.
© Mysti Cinsect
This Pulsing Lyrics
The Universe is where the energy is
And we're all a part of it,
So you'd better get down to business in your time.
Come on down, get your feet on the ground,
Get straight to the heart of it.
Better get your head around this next twist of mind.
This pulsing is the only thing we feel.
This pulsing is the only thing that's real.
This pulsing
We intersect,
Interconnecting makes us who and what we are.
You cannot know
Or see the whole from where you're standing on a star.
This pulsing is the only thing that's real
This pulsing is the only thing we feel.
Here's our stop, a curiosity shop
Of nuclear particles,
Corresponding 'cross all distance and all time.
Big Bang boom! Feel the beat of the tune
Pumping straight through your hearticles,
Metronome atomic clock that's yours and mine.
This pulsing is the only thing we feel.
This pulsing is the only thing that's real.
This pulsing.
© Mysti Cinsect
Intervention Prevention Lyrics
slack hands, wrist bands and Blu Cantrell
his fault Ted Mault’s no Remegel
one more, scofflaw lands in the cell
on his way on his way oh way oh
I’ve not been to Barnstable
I’ve heard the weather's favorable
The markets found on Butchers Row
Thursdays are crafts and general
It costs too much it costs too much
Intervention Prevention
fix wigs with twigs?
such rigmarole
Dig graves lay paves, be not on the dole
Propel, soft cell into a hole
And wish away a way oh way oh
Listening to The Pastells
Postpone that trip to Bath and Wells
Reading from the Book of Kells
It tells of many earthly hells
It costs too much it costs too much
Intervention pre-vention
Clandestine twine and illicit string
Who knows this year what the Fonz will bring?
Low Noise Soft Toys and stuff and `ting
Better if he didn’t bring anything
It’s highly recommendable
Like these finest comestibles
Ping pong not table tennis balls
Reservoirs like Wayoh (way oh)
It costs too much it costs too much
Intervention prevention
Grimaldi, Aldi and Jefferson
Spin-cycle Michael and Emerson
Lake Palmer Farmer of Medicine
Manuel Álvarez Jiménez
Come back - all’s forgotten now
No one remembers exactly how
You shat on the ferry’s starboard bow
After drinking litres of Curaçao
© John Crewdson
Calibrations Lyrics
I feel the heat from your fire
I get my fire from your heat
I've put a name to my desire
Now manifest, make it complete
(My mother said to pick the very best one!)
Can it wait for a bit?
I'm in the middle of some calibrations.
Some things you've just got to get right!
(You have the reach, but I have the flexibility...)
Now feel the heat from my fire
Come light your fire from my heat
Now manifest, make it complete.
Calibrations, calibrations,
Some things you've just got to get right!
"This is my favourite spot on the Citadel!"
© Mysti Cinsect
Candy-Door Optimism Lyrics
The lawn that's growin' is mown as low as the mower we own allows.
It's been slow goin' alone, I know, but no one's comin' home with the cows.
Has it always been this way?
Do hawks just seek their prey?
And the same with human nature?
Despite the wisdom we receive,
What rises to the top is far more likely
Scum than cream.
What can they be, the other worlds
If this our world reflects the best of all possibilities?
Or is that propaganda for the deities?
What is better? to endure,
Or slip into langour?
Artisans and peace-keepers,
Thank you for releasing me.
Thank you for releasing me.
Thank you for releasing me today.
(A hundred times I've hoped to die but I'm still in love with life.)
Your presence gives me life,
Or else kills me with pleasure.
Let's turn ourselves to the gardening,
And leave the overthinking
To the non-existent gods.
© Mysti Cinsect
Lucid Dreaming Acid Trip of Farm Road 511 Lyrics
Keep all the home fires burning slowly
Keep all your enemies in tow
You know you can't evade this feeling
The ceiling isn't where it was before
A-woo koo koo koo
You know the way you know the way
Down another fist of anesthesia
If (you find) you're flagging, up the dose
You chose to fall into this picture
You picked your destination, so it goes
A-woo koo koo koo
You know the way you know the way
Watch the fire's flicker fade from the rearview
Just drive away just drive away just drive away
The stars at night are big and bright
The prairie sky is wide and high
Passing through the southeast town of Brownsville,
Not so far from Mexico,
Just know, if you must go at nighttime,
Beware the bovine spectres on the road
For I've heard tell, many a late night traveler,
Rounding corners in the dark,
Swerving to avert collision
With an apparition
© Mysti Cinsect
Barbelo And The One Lyrics
How can I hold my heart
When everything is so far away?
How can I hold my heart?
How can it take so long
For everything to move with the tide?
How can it take so long?
Why don't you come inside
This pleasuredome I built with my heart?
Why don't you come inside?
Going on down that road,
There's only me and you, there ain't no way back.
Going on down that road.
You'll get a splinter if you
Interfere within the sphere
you've burnt to cinders,
Here's the witness's new tears
How can I hold my heart
When everything is so far away?
How can I hold my heart?
How can I hold my heart
When everything is so far away?
© Mysti Cinsect
Looking for a Silver Lining on a Mushroom Cloud Lyrics
So now I fall
Into the sunrise
Reflected in your eyes
On this, the finest morning of the rest of all our lives.
What magic brought you here?
You were in my mind so clear,
When through the crowd, it turned me round, the sound of your sweet voice.
Now somehow, owing to the wonder of it all,
You're here beside me as we gather here to watch the kingdoms fall
Into the river,
Finally delivered through the waves of time
That crash and wash the shames of crimes untold.
Ah, now here comes the undertow
To take us all below, oo la la la la la.
But hey, whatcha say:
In another timeline,
Do you think you could've fancied hooking up your space with mine?
I know it might sound
Crazy to talk about such things right now,
But while there's life there's hope --
Let's dream.
Yes, there's skeletons in my closet,
But they're all fitted with big deposits of love.
Yes, there's skeletons in my closet,
But they're all fitted with big deposits of love.
Yes, there's skeletons in my closet of love.
Looks like this is it!
Really glad you were here!
Hope to see you again!
© Mysti Cinsect